Tattered, threadbare kimonos at Shibui: why the designers want them
VIDEO: Dane Owen talks about the Boro, or "tattered rags" used to describe patched and repurposed kimonos. If you ever venture across the Brooklyn Bridge to Dumbo, possibly headed for the ultra-hip (in a rustic way) Vinegar Hill House restaurant for brunch, make sure you stumble around the corner to visit Shibui . Dane recently restored this Japanese Step Tansu. From the Facebook post : "I would say it was early Meiji c1880. It was made with hand forged nails and hinges . Mortised and tenoned joinery. Hinoki wood frame. I have 3 other Kaidan on the website , one is a little smaller but they are real so they have to be big enough to get to the second floor and deep enough so you wont fall off." It's a treasure trove of old Japan in a cavernous, cement floor garage. The owner Dane Owen, a Santa Fe native, pops up from behind a great wall of tansu (Japanese storage cabinets, no doubt the Ikea of old Japan at the time) as a walking Wikipedia of Jap